Ashapura China Clay Company has set up a well equipped laboratory to carry out stringent quality control tests at each stage of production to ensure that only the best possible product is marketed.
We are gearing towards achieving following testing parameters:
- Quantitative oxide composition of silicate materials (classic chemical analysis)
- Oxide composition of non-metalliferous raw materials
- Mineral composition of non-metalliferous raw materials
- Chemical content of non-metalliferous raw materials
- Whiteness and other color data of kaolin, carbonate fillers
- Dispersive content of kaolin, clays and other microproducts
- China Clay (Kaolin) and clays mechanical strength of bending
- Paper China Clay (Kaolin) abrasiveness
- Thermal extension coefficient of ceramic bodies; chamotte
- Suspensions pH value
- Fineness of grinding
- China Clay (Kaolin) and clays properties after firing - shrinkage, color data, water absorption
- China Clay (Kaolin) and clays plasticity
- Bulk materials grain size distribution